The following are some of the frequently asked questions:
You can create your account by clicking LOG IN. On the Log In page, click on Create Account. Follow the instructions provided to successfully create an account.
To donate to an initiative, click on the initiative. Scroll down and click on the Donate Here Tab. In this tab page, there are 3 payment modes i.e. PayPal, Card and M-PESA. Click on the Payment Mode you would wish to use and follow instructions to make your donation.
To view your donations/contributions, go to top left corner and click on the drop-down arrow beside your name and click on Contributions.
To view your Initiatives, go to top left corner and click on the drop-down arrow beside your name and click on My Initiatives.
You can view donations in any Initiative by going to and clicking the drop-down arrow beside your name, then click on My Initiatives. On the Initiatives page, click on Donations link on any of the initiatives listed.